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Quality Products for Emergency Preparedness, Outdoor Needs, and Everyday Use

Feedback and questions are welcomed, call or e-mail us: (636) 279-2155.

* Please Note: There is a $100 minimum on food items, and a $100 minimum on non-food items. Nominal shipping cost on all orders within the continental United States.

* Delivery Time: Our current lead time for all products is one to two weeks. See our warehouse.

Instructions: Choose from the categories of products listed below to shop and/or browse. Simply enter the quantity of the item(s) you wish to purchase and then click the "Add to Cart" button at the bottom of each page to place in your shopping cart. You can view and modify your shopping cart at any time by clicking on the basket at the bottom of each page. When you have all the items you want and are ready to checkout, simply view your shopping cart and click the checkout button. You can pay by credit/debit card (visa, mastercard, discover, american express), check or money order.

Food Storage Systems
Gourmet Reserves® food systems for long-term emergency preparedness
* Gourmet Supreme
* SuperPak
* Versatile
Pouch Products
We offer serious campers, hikers and backpackers the best outdoor recreational food in the world. All foods are packaged in sturdy foil pouches with no cooking required. No fuss, no mess, no cleanup.
Individual Cans
Choose from our complete menu of a la carte items and create your own customized food order. With hundreds of items to choose from variety is never a problem.
Additional Systems and Modules
In this section you will find:
* "Be Ready Pantry®"
* Meat Module (Six #10 cans)
Gourmet Meal Kits
Convenient, cost effective, nutritious, and delicious. Over 2000 calories per day. What more could you ask for in a gourmet meal.
Water Storage
Top quality FDA approved products for storing drinking water, including drums, pumps, pails, wrenches, etc. Made in USA.
Water Filtration
The British Berkefeld® Water Filter
Replacement Filters and Extra Parts Kit
* Used by 1000s of Missionaries Worldwide
* No Water Pressure or Pumping Required
* High Tech Ceramic Filter System
* Time Tested for Over 140 Years
Food Storage Container Products
Top quality FDA approved products for storing food, including drums, pails, mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, etc. Made in USA.
Potassium Iodate
Potassium Iodate (KIO3) Tablets
Radiation Blocker: Protects you from radioactive iodine (nuclear fallout) released from a nuclear accident (reactor) or from a nuclear explosion.
Complete product list.
Nutritional Data
Complete product list.
Shelf Life
Complete product list.

Printable Price List/Order Form
Complete product list including prices and catalog ID numbers.

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